Thursday, September 20, 2007

Testcase Writing

We have a new software system called Test Link. It is much more sophisticated than our last Test Management software.

This means that all test cases must be rewritten, formatted differently, and more exhaustive. It's quite exciting. I can confidently say that this process will truly enable us to test more in depth than ever in the history of this company.

As I create test cases, I am part of being instrumental in creating a better software product. Every little step in a job, even if it goes unrecognized, it truly makes an impact on my product and thus.... The World.

Here at work, making test cases makes a better, safer product, and this being a security product, thus making a safer world.

Yay Test case Creation!


Kim said...

Linda Carter would be proud of you. You go, Lele!!

Anonymous said...

Linda Carter is hot.